Need a harpist for your group?
One of the things I really enjoy is to create music with other people. Throughout the years I have played with many different groups - orchestra, opera, band, choir, chamber - and all of them are unique and special in their own way.
Here are some of the groups I have played with as guest harpist: Vancouver Opera, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Vancouver Chamber Choir, National Youth Orchestra of Canada, Vancouver Philharmonic Orchestra, Richmond Orchestra, Surrey Chamber and Children's Choir, UBC Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Women's Choir, Convivia Women's Medieval Quartet, my own trio Elysian, and many more.
I am really good at following conductor and/or other musicians, and is always prepared for every rehearsal.
If you are a conductor, or a leader of a chamber group, who is thinking of doing a repertoire, but troubled because you do not have a harpist, please send me an email.

Pictures of Concerts with different groups

Group Picture with the National Youth Orchestra of Canada, 2015
Post-concert picture with Convivia, women's medieval quartet, 2017
Performing with Taiwanese Calligrapher Chen Shih Hsien playing Canadian composer Caroline Lizotte's Suite Galactique, 2017 Hong Kong.